Calling all jungle explorers! Jump aboard the Jungle Adventure Cruise

The perfect adventure for the kids - explore the Jungle on board aqua luna! Discover an action-packed sail through Hong Kong’s urban jungle where kids can gear-up as Mini Explorers for a thrilling animal and treasure scavenger hunt. The Jungle Adventure Cruise departs from and returns to Central Pier 9, taking you on a 75 minute nautical journey on Hong Kong’s iconic harbour complete with groovy jungle music. Kids will love exploring with binoculars and their very own adventure passport which they can colour-in and fill the pages with special aqua luna stamps. Ideal for kids aged 2 to 11 years. In case of rain all games take place under cover. Ticket includes unlimited popcorn and one soft drink per guest.


這將會是孩子們的完美歷險 - 乘坐張保仔探索叢林!
孩子們可扮演成小小探險家在香港這個動感十足的城市叢林中進行一場驚心動魄的動物尋寶之旅。叢林探險之旅出發及回程均在中環 9 號碼頭,旅途伴隨著美妙的叢林音樂,帶您在香港標誌性的海港上進行 75分鐘的探險。小小探險家可以利用望遠鏡並按照叢林地圖發掘新奇的動植物及自然生態,更可以在個人護照本上為小動物填上喜愛的顏色,並在完成不同活動後取得探索印章。此活動適合2至 11歲的兒童。在雨天的情況下,所有遊戲將會移師室內進行。每張門票包括無限量爆谷提供和一杯汽水或果汁。

Price & Schedule / 時間表 票價

Child 兒童(Age 2-11): HK$260

Adult 成人: HK$180

*Child price applies from age 2 - 11, under 2 is welcomed and free of charge

Embarking / Disembarking Locations and Schedule
Day Of Week Departure Pier DEPART RETURN
Sundays Central pier 9 11:30 12:45

* Child price applied from age 2-11.

* Each ticket includes one soft drink.

*The trip will be cancelled if there are less than 20 participants, and you will be offered the option of joining us on another trip within 3 months period.

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