Price & Schedule / 時間表 票價

Adult/成人: HK$1,388

Child/小童 (4yr to 11yr): HK$788

Embarking / Disembarking Locations and Schedule
Embarkation 登船

Hong Kong Island – Sai Wan Ho Public Pier
香港區 – 西灣河公眾碼頭


Gather at Sai Wan Ho Public Pier
西灣河公眾碼頭 集合

19:30 – 20:30

From Sai Wan Ho to Victoria Harbour

     21:00          National Day Fireworks Show

Disembarkation 登岸

Hong Kong Island – Sai Wan Ho Public Pier
香港區 – 西灣河公眾碼頭


Sai Wan Ho Public Pier

  • • Child price applied from age 4 – 11, under 4 free of charge.
    兒童票適用於4至11歲, 4歲以下免費。
  • • Each table can seat 2 – 4 people maximum.
  • • No refund or cancellation of the orders will be accepted once payments have been processed.
    付款一經確認後, 訂單不可取消及我們不會作任何退款。謝謝!

Package Includes

  • - 2 glasses of Sparkling Wine, House Wine, Beer, Soft Drink or Juice
  • - Pass around Canapés from Hutong & Aqua

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